Wednesday, October 25, 2006


For some reason I can't stop sneezing. What is it that makes us sneeze? I have lots of questions to ask Heavenly Father when I get to Heaven. I've also slept longer today than I have all week, I woke up at a decent hour 9:45 and then was up and of course layed down and fell back to sleep for about 3 hours again, so it was about 2:00pm when I woke up. I don't know what's the matter with me.

Good news on Wisdom Teeth though. I went to the dentist, Dr. Gift who does oral surgery. He's a nice guy and funny, but not cheesey funny. He said it'd take 45 minutes (wow I said, that quick) and then gave me the basics. Then I asked about my absessed tooth ( root canal) and he said well...I can honestly say that you won't miss it. Do you really want to spend 1,000 for it to be repiared, 500 for the crown, 500 for the visit, etc. I said, no way, let's just yank it. So that's the plan on that end but I'm waiting for my discount to take effect in December.

I've got to take something for my sneezing!

Update: I walked the dogs one at a time because it's easier and as I'm coming back with Ringo I see the evil HOA president walking towards our house and I thought oh no. So I go inside and he walks over to our neighbors ( the old Italians) and I bring Bonnie out and I hear the old man saying : I don't want to be a neighbor but a friend, and I thought to myself " ha, that ship has sailed a LONG time ago." So he's complaining about our tree that's not nearly over his house or in his yard, but it has leaves that come into his 'no-leaf' yard policy. Great news is that, they can't make us cut the tree which makes me feel better (there was a HOA meeting last night, I was going to attend but I knew I'd get upset and it'd just be a mess) but HOA nazi is speaking with Ryan on Saturday. Found out that the board has elections every 2 years and we'd be able to change stuff in January and then the election is I think this January but I could be wrong.

I'm going to a fondu party tonight with my sister-in-law Tara. I hope it's fun. I'm not feeling great today, don't know why either.

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