Sunday, October 08, 2006

Back to Blogger...again.

Confused? Yep I know what you mean. I went to LJ because I paid $5.00 for 2 months or was it $10.00 for 2 months...anyway I was trying to add some content to my blog and I couldn't! So that dissapointed me and I thought - sod that! I'll go back to blogger. Good ol' google content! So with that being said, I'm back to Blogger. I know there are faithful readers and I really appreciate you following me back and forth and next time I try to convert again, remind me of the hassles of LJ. ;)

Onto something else now...

I've still got no idea what it is that I am supposed to do with my life. No clue whatsoever. I am sure that library science is not the way I want to go, although I am greatful for the time I've been able to volunteer there. I must confess that I have not been faithful in prayer and my bible reading. What is it that causes me to become so distracted that I can't give the Lord that time!? I am ashamed of it and hate to admit that. The Lord doesn't ask much of us, the rest I find not to be difficult. I don't want to say easy because sometimes it's not but it seems like compared to quite time it is easier.

I don't know if anyone knows but I struggle with anxiety and I am on medication for it and have been for years. I would love to be off of it and stop dealing with this. Perhaps it is the Lord's will but it may not be and I have to accept that but I need to be healed from this disease. I've had it almost all my life, at least since I was in 6th grade. That's 10+ years but only on medication for about 4 years. I am praying to be healed from this disease if it is the Lord's will for my life. I am also seeking direction about my career. I know that I am to be a wife (6 months and counting) and a mother ( lol, 6 months and about 2 years :P ) but other than that....*sigh* lost.

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